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Prophets Smeared with The Apostolic 2022

Prophets Smeared with The Apostolic 2022

Bishop R. S. Walker School of Prophets: MAY 27, 2022, As I consider the subject of this Class (course material for this session), Prophets Smeared with The Apostolic, I am conscious of the need to write & teach on this subject. The challenges need to be addressed in the body of Christ, more specifically, relative to the Prophet’s office; this training is paramount.
Enjoy in-person and online classes.
Our objective is to stir the gift of God in and fan it into the flame of revival.
Price: $75 covers our signature book, fives weeks of training and impartation, and 24 hours a day access to prerecorded training. If you miss the live Class, enjoy the prerecorded sessions at a time convenient for you.
This Class will cover the following topics:
-What is a Prophet?
-The Office of the Prophet
-The Apostolic anointing
-Prophets and the Apostolic
-The difference between a Prophet and an Apostle
-How to flow in both the Prophetic and Apostolic
-Prophets and the Apostolic working together
